Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Brain's lag ):

I really don't like school.
REALLY REALLY don't likeee.
Every wednesday is taken for the damn maths mock papers, schs ends at 5 >.<
And yes, for every mon, i'm having 2 sci papers after sch.
Wth man, my life totally suck.

Sch's awesome in some sense,
Have been slacking during maths lessons with eileen. We start drawing, and eventually irritated the hell out of mrs tang. She nearly wanted to chase us out of class.
Gonna take pictures of the drawings uh :D
Heaven vs hell ! (:

Amaths mock test was screwed,
Very! I only did 6questions out of 12 :O
Homed after that.

I don't like my life now either.
It's so freaking busy.

Even when the texts die off somehow,
But be assured, the feelings didn't.
You're the sweetest drug.
I love you.