Sunday, October 9, 2011

Its easy, I love you.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Try harder.

Back here after so long.

Too lazy to start a tumblr or whatsoever.

But well, life has been pretty awesome. I grew, probably matured.

Certain things made me start thinking about the past, all of that was the huge lesson learnt.

I promised to keep going, and i aint going to give up easily, i will.

Holidays came and hoesntly i wasnt looking forward to it at all, but well, i am starting to enjoy alr. Gna start woking from tmrrrrr! Learning new stuffs sounds good to me.

Anw, i have to say this. I was pretty disappointed, pretty devasted, and any other word that one could put it. I assumed, but i was wrong. But nevertheless, its gonna be a real thing from now on.

I can do it, definitely i do.

Try harder.

If only you knew.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Ohmans, it has been so longggggg!
Doubt theres any readers!
Just sudden urge to come back here and jolt down the lil things that happen in my life recently.

Drifting is just so unbearable, but nah, thats what everyone has to take >:
But well, life has been relatively good. Now that i understand, you get what you sow, really :)

Lastly, IATG more and more, really :)
Oh well, kthxbye.

All that i can say, i was enchanted to you :)